Top Ten Tuesday {6}

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This weeks Top Ten Tuesday is…

Top Ten Books Classic Books I Need To Read

10.Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina

Many of the books I have chosen will be read so I can compare them to movie adaptions. This one is one of the many I have been dying to do so with.

9.Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Les Misérables

I loved the movie and I dream to see the play one day.

8. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


Pemberley Digital announced they will be doing another web series like The Lizzie Bennett Diaries and Emma Approved with this classic novel so I want to read it before watching the web series.

7.The Lord of The Rings by J.R.R.Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)


I read the Hobbit and so I must do a major read-book-then-watch-movie marathon with this classic series.

6.The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

The Importance of Being Earnest

I just saw the movie and now I have to read the book.

5. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights


Some of the books I have read this year have mentioned bits of this books and I was ashamed that I had not yet read it.

4.Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre


I saw the BBC mini series last summer and I loved it so I must read this book.

3.Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women (Little Women, #1)


I’ve always wanted to read this. I’m going to try to read it for this summer.

2.Persuasion by Jane Austen



I must finish reading all of my Jane Austen’s by the end of this summer.

1.Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

 Mansfield Park


This will be the last Jane Austen book I shall read and then I can say I have read all of Austen. Somehow that gives me great satisfaction.

What are your Top Ten Classics and what do you think of mine?

18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday {6}

  1. Lianne @ says:

    You mentioned a lot of great titles on your list that I greatly enjoyed: LOTR, Anna Karenina, Persuasion (my favourite of Jane Austen’s books), Mansfield Park, Jane Eyre…I have Les Miserables on my eReader but I dunno when I’ll get around to that title myself…

    Hope you enjoy those books when you get to them! Great list 🙂 My TTT


    • Keely says:

      Thanks, and I have been hesitant to read Persuasion, but since you said it’s your favourite maybe that will help ease my fear. Reading P&P was easy because it is so well popularized.


  2. ChrissiReads says:

    I keep thinking that I’m going to read Les Miserables, but I’m totally intimidated by the size of the book! I hope you get to read these books! 🙂


  3. anaesrout01 says:

    I like your top ten. I would have “Where the Red Fern Grows”, “To Kill A Mockingbird”, and “Of Mice & Men” in there…maybe “Fahrenheit 451” or even “Lord of the Flies” in there, too…but definitely the very first one I mentioned. 😀


  4. anotherafterthought says:

    Ha, I totally thought about binge watching the entirety of LOTR after the final Hobbit movie comes out too! Though, I don’t have an affinity of reading the books post-film adaptation (I just can’t get into it after I know what happens). Which is funny I guess because I’m totally capable of watching them again though… weird.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts


  5. Danya says:

    Jane Eyre and Little Women are both wonderful classics! Good luck with Mansfield Park – I’m an Austen fan but even I found that one pretty slow-moving and boring, lol.


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