Review: The One by Kiera Cass

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5 stars


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My Non-Spoiler Review

I have been waiting for the ending to this trilogy from the moment America and Prince Maxon had been introduced to me. After being away from the series for so long, reading this book brought back old memories and feelings and also brought new feelings as well. I don’t feel the same hatred I felt toward Aspen as I did in the other books. I understand the other Elite more than I did before and I am able to emphasize with them. In fact, somehow this book made me re-think every thought and perception I held on the characters.

Now, I don’t want there to be any spoilers for those who have yet read it so I’ll make one on my Goodreads account here for those who have read it and want to share in their feels of the finale of an amazing trilogy.

For those who have yet to read it all I have to say is, go now and read this book. Everything is perfect about it. If you hated America before or Aspen or Maxon, you’ll love them in this one, trust me. If you don’t that is okay. Overall though, if you are hesitant about reading the final book, just do it, you won’t be disappointed.

For those who have not heard of the Selection Trilogy or are interested in it at all, check it out. All of the books are easy and satisfying reads. Sure everything seems all long and drawn out, but in the end it all makes sense and comes together. The final book of a series needs to solve the major problems brought forth from the beginning and this series does that.

Yes this book is dystopian, but it is more different than any other I have read before. I think it is a good introduction to those who like their Fairy-tale romances and dresses and corsets galore. If you have always dreamed of being a long-lost Princess of some foreign land or marrying a Prince, this is your read. If you have watched nearly every episode of the Bachelor and crave something more, this is your read. Above all, if you need a good trilogy to read, this is your read.

Have you read this book? Let me know what you thought also make sure you check out my Goodreads review if your into my spoiler reaction. Thanks for viewing!

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